Reorienting the system and how it is governed

Creating a public schooling system that puts children first and at the centre

For Bermuda’s new models of teaching, learning and schooling to be supported and sustained, the systems, policies and procedures that surround our schools need to be redesigned.

If our children are to achieve their career and further education aspirations, are to be able to follow their passions and interests and build on their talents and capabilities – if they are to fly – the system needs to have a different mindset. Just as we want our educators to empower and nurture our children, so we need our system to empower and nurture our educators, our Principals and our schools. 

We need a system and governance structures that moves from being top down and directive to one that cradles and enables, that puts children first and at the centre of everything we do.

Redesigning our systems, policies and processes

The transformation of our schools involves embedding several unique features – new assessment, scheduling and advisory approaches, new kinds of learning experiences, tech enabled learning and staffing models. These are identified in blue in the below image.

For this to be supported and sustained, the systems, policies and procedures that surround our schools need to be redesigned – things like how we undertake professional learning, workforce planning, how we recognise and offer credentials for learning and how we support school and system leadership amongst others. These systems, policies and processes are identified in yellow, cradling and supporting the development of the new features of schools. Principals, teachers, Department of Education officers, and partner individuals and organisations are currently collaborating in workstreams to redesign how we approach these areas in a way that puts students at the centre.

At the bottom of this model you will see Bermuda’s design principles for learning, which are the foundations for new school, learning and system designs and help us to uphold out values as we make decisions about what learning and schooling should be like for our young people.

Learn about how the system is changing

Education Authority

Making public education more nimble and responsive through the establishment of an Education Authority

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Signature Schools

Learn about Signature Learning Programmes, taster programmes, graduating from Signature Schools and more

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